Memory Game Songbirds ( on Google Play

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From 31 different Germany-based songbirds randomly a memory game is put together. (Memory Size 2x3, 2x4, 3x4, 4x4, 4x5, 4x6, 4x7, 5x6, 6x6 or 6x7) Always new enthusiasm with learning effect for big and small. Depending on your smartphone, tablet or Memory Size is 32 * 32, 48 * 48, 72 * 72, or 96x96 pixels size images played. Optional en, de, fr, it, ru or po. Enjoy of seniorlabde Software Made in Germany.Blackbird• Tree Pipit• Blue Tit• Whinchat• Chaffinch• Great Spotted Woodpecker• Whitethroat• Great Reed Warbler• Magpie• Skylark• Garden Warbler• Redstart• Yellowhammer• European Greenfinch• Black Redstart• Woodlark• Nuthatch• Cuckoo• Blackcap• Nightingale• Golden Oriole• Green Woodpecker• Barn Swallow• Robin• Rook• Song Thrush• Starling• Tawny Owl • Sedge Warbler • Long-eared Owl • Hoopoe