Pyramid Math Pro (sickerstein.kiddiesapps.learning.pyramidmathpro) on Google Play
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Pyramid Math Pro is a colorful educational app from KiddiesApps.Kids aged from 6 on up (yes, and parents, too) can practice their math skills by simply finding the missing numbers of the robot Pyramid.The Pramid is built of 21 joined robots. The numbers of two bottom robots add up to the number of the robot in the middle on top.Out of the 21 numbers of a Pyramid, 6 numbers will be shown at random locations. The other 15 have to be completed.Pyramid Math Pro has 2 levels. Level 1 computes Pyramids having as highest total 1000. Level 2 computes Pyramids having as highest total 9999.How to Play:1. Select the level2. Tap on the Get Robot to compute a Pyramid3. Tap the 4 Number Robots to build a number of 1000s, 100s, 10s, and 1s at the bottom on the right4. Tap a target Pyramid Robot to transmit the number5. Tap the Check Robot when completedPyramid Math Pro Rules:-- Tapping the Get Robot will compute a Pyramid at any time increasing the blue Robot by 1-- Two bottom numbers add up to the number in the middle above-- The last 4 times of correctly completed Pyramids are shown-- If a Pyramid is wrong, or incomplete, the positions of the wrong or missing numbers are shown-- A Pyramid can be repeated by activating the Hold Robot on the left hand side.-- Counters of a level can be reset by tapping on the Reset Robot top right - carefulPlease look for KiddiesApps for educational apps.