'til Tomorrow WatchMaker Theme (tilclocks.wmwatch.tomorrow) on Google Play
REQUIRES WATCH MAKER PREMIUM 3.5.0 OR HIGHER===========================================Haven't you ever wanted a classical watch with the wonderful on-demand smart functions? Well, now you can have it!Features:* Ambient mode support* Stopwatch/Timer* Compass/GPS Location* Health Profiling using Heart Rate and Pedometer**** Weather information and conditions along with lunar phase* 24-Hour Timekeeper* World Timer, configurable through the WatchMaker App* Calendar/Agenda functions* Three themes, more to be added later* Smooth transitions and animations, available only on version 3.5.0 of WatchMaker or higher* Central core glows according to current battery level (Green is full, Red is empty)PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING THE LATEST WATCH MAKER VERSION. *** Disclaimer: Heart monitors are not a substitute for medical care. If you suspect you may have cardiac arrhythmia, abnormal cardiac behavior, or are having a heart attack, seek emergency medical attention immediately.****************Known Issues:******************* Due to the nature of the APK system in Watch Maker, existing faces do not immediately update. To fix this, delete them from your Watch Maker collection and open the app again. This will update the faces. ***