iAssessNTeach Home Series (air.com.webteamcorp.com.iAssessNTeachfree) on Google Play
Note: ♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching the app. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from below link.http://goo.gl/XQL3pWApp best viewed in portrait mode♦ iAssessNTeach Home Series is a great assessment tool for professionals and parents involved in the education of children with autism spectrum disorder. It addresses specific needs of young learners (0-3) on the autism spectrum. The app systematically assesses skill areas in all domains. The result of assessments can be used for establishing teaching goals for the individual. iAssessNTeach Home Series is based on Eden Autism Services’ Infant and Toddler Assessment and Curriculum protocol for skills acquisitions. Eden has been a leader within autism community since 1975. This app requires user registration in order to provide individualized reporting of the score, progress tracking and analysis. User registration is also used for customization of the assignment of the new educational material delivered through the app as the user progresses with the targeted skills. ♦♦ Features ♦♦◘ Each student can have multiple assessments. ◘ Each assessment has multiple programs or skill sets. ◘ Each program includes skills from a specific domain. ◘ Each skill lists expected behavior for 3 categories – Achieved, Partial, Not in Repertoire. ◘ The evaluator records observation. ◘ Assessment results can be tracked. ◘ Goals are automatically set based on Assessment result. The app is designed and developed by WebTeam Corporation (WTC) as part of the ColorsKit package of autism management. WTC offers innovative technology in the field of special education.