TemporaryBabel2D (cc.openframeworks.TemporaryBabel2D) on Google Play

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TemporaryBabel2D is a stochastic physics game about libraries, time, temporary and permanent things. You play a couple of boys in the mind-scape of the Babel Tower construction set, a space where time oscillates and perspective bends.You have 1h to go through 100 levels and reach the librarian at the top, guiding and clearing the way of your avatars with touch and sound, through several readers, hyperskates and bookshelves falling at the library.TemporaryBabel2D features: . 101 stochastic levels . addictive arcade fun . multitouch and sonic input . errors . the library of babel poetry . tower of babel construction set . time oscillation . perspective bending . hi score on your device . generative game music . heptagons . lovely box2d physics* no in app purchases * * no ads ** 1 time buy and its yours forever * ( upgrades included! )watch gameplay video at http://s373.net/x/TemporaryBabel2D/