Camera Draw (co.sastudio.cameradraw) on Google Play

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Draw in the air.Camera Draw is here to turn you into a real artist.No matter how good you are in drawing with Camera Draw you'll draw things you've never even imagined you can.Don't like what you're seeing,want to put some color in?Camera Draw your life!Want to use it as a Camera app?of course you can.Launch , Snap , easily paint you effect with our special tools (pencil+shaders+custom mode)Features : -Draw over images from your Camera. -Custom brushes and symbols,you've never seen. -Unique additional effects for your brushes like : Emboss,Blur,Shades. -Snap,Save,Share your masterpieces. (Share on Facebook, Save SDCARD/CameraDraw/ ) -Brushes History (Undo/Redo Functionality) -Different color application modes (Source Color,Screen etc) And a lot more...Tested on : Samsung Galaxy S , Samsung Galaxy SII , Samsung Galaxy 5 , Samsung Galaxy Next , HTC ONE S, Motorola Defy , Touch Tablet CT1002 , Samsung Galaxy TAB