Business Manager (com.SuarezFun.LawnBusinessManager) on Google Play
Use Business Manager, to manage your business straight from your phone and keep all of your clients' information right in your pocket!Keep it simple and keep everything in one Place!Job Sites/Services: Each of clients have one or more job sites that you service, you can manage each one of them and keep track of their info. (Address, Monthly price, day of service, frequency, etc.).Job/Service History: Business Manager will keep track of your clients' entire job history. This is a must if you have special customers that may have job inquiries.Payments and Balance Keeper: Always know how much your clients owe you based on their job and payment history. Manage all of your clients payments and keep a record for any billing inquiries your clients could have. Forget about the math and let Business Manager do it all for you.Routes: Easily view your weekly agenda based on the day of the week. Know how many clients and services you have for the day.A lot More features to come!...There is a lot... A very lot more that Business Manager can do for you, this is a work in progress. I'm actively working to add all of the features in my ToDo list. Bug/problems are fixed fast too, if you find any let me and i'll work on it right away!: Here are some of the features i'm working on1. Improve Expense Manager, Job History, and Payments. I want to do all the work from the background so you have the least amount of effort managing all of your clients data.2. Cutomer Bills: If you notice for every job you create you need to create an invoice. with this info i will bill be able to create an Invoice/Bill you can send to your clients.3. Better UI: fix add small things that need improvement.4. Cloud Storage and Sync.5. FeedBack Builder: Allow users to tell me what they like more and features would like to see added. The more you tell me what you like about Business Manager the better it will get!For now consider leaving a review and feedback on what you liked the most or something you did like to be changed/added to Business Manager.Also consider getting Full Access to be the first to try all of the new features!