Electric Course Ed Galaxy note (com.bh.electriccourse.android) on Google Play

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Electric course, an exclusivity GALAXY NOTESOFFER EXCLUSIVE FREE ACCESS(WANTONNESS)!SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS France IS HAPPY TO OFFER THIS GAME(SET,PLAY) TO ALL THE OWNERS OF the NOTED SAMSUNG GALAXY!Electric Course is a game(set,play) of route(course) requiring precision and composure in manipulation of the stilet of Galaxy Note. You have to cross electrified circuits by leaving of the zone of departure, represented by an arrow, until the arrival where represents OK.You put the stilet on the arrow, the Stopwatch starts …You have no more the right(law) to lift the stilet as soon as the running(race) is begun!If you summits, you start again automatically in the point of departure.You see bulbs, lower right of the screen? It is so many fuses which serve you as credits.They represent the number of discharges that you can take(collect), and thus your limit of stamina before the final short circuit … Because the edges of the circuit are electrified.Every time by wanting to go too fast you will affect(touch) one