SmartTasker for SmartWatch 2 (com.cuberob.smarttasker) on Google Play

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//* Requires Tasker to Function *\\Ever wanted to do all the amazing things made possible by Tasker from the comfort of your wrist?Well now you can, with SmartTasker.From the settings menu you can create a customized list of tasks that you want to show up on your Sony SmartWatch 2, you can even create folders to group certain tasks together!Now it's as simple as opening the application on your wrist, clicking a task and it will instantly execute on your phone!Please note, you will need to have Tasker installed for this application to be used, also, you will have to enable "External Access" from the Tasker settings so the application can find your pre-defined tasks.Have fun experimenting!Functionality:- Launch tasks from you Sony SmartWatch 2- Customize the task list that will be shown on the Smart Watch- Create folders to group tasks- Optionally vibrate SmartWatch on clickSmart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2