EndlessTV: Videos, TV and News (com.endlesstv) on Google Play
EndlessTV is swipeable TV for mobile and tablet "Addictive"- CNEThttp://www.cnet.com/news/endlesstv-app-streams-popular-videos-flipboard-style/"A new model for broadcast TV"- TechCrunchhttp://techcrunch.com/2014/03/22/can-we-end-the-search-for-mobile-tv/"Hypnotic"- Re/codehttp://recode.net/2014/05/07/endlesstv-serves-up-free-web-video-to-your-phone-minus-the-ads-how-long-can-that-last/Tired of the dreaded spinning wheel of "waiting to download"?Then get Endless TV. Start to watch streaming videos of news, celebrity gossip, sports, history, music, and more. Swipe to watch a different show in the same channel. Swipe up to change channels. The videos stream continuously, without lag or latency. Wallow in great videos on your phone or tablet! Features include: • Pick your favorite channels to watch! • Watch streaming videos with no lag or latency! • Swipe to start new videos, instantly! • Wallow in great videos endlessly!