Learn Ballet: Young Ballerinas (com.fitivity.ballet_beginner) on Google Play

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This program is for those who want to learn ballet. The program starts at a basic level - going over the key fundamentals - incorporating combinations and movements that you build upon as you level up. This program is useful for beginners who will be introduced to the ballet terminology and progressively build their skills. Young ballerinas have potential to be great, and dazzle audiences -- gracefully moving across the stage – this program is the coach to get them started in the right direction and gives beginner ballerinas the basic building blocks of traditional ballet. App Features:- Instructional coaching using video and voiceover- Animated demonstrations with detailed descriptions- Functionality to track workouts and exercises completed- Multi-Level Beginner to Advanced Workouts- Warm Ups, Cool Downs- Tips, Secrets, Overview of the Workout- Fitness, sports and recreational events in your city!Fitivity’s trainers are some of the top athletic professionals in the world. Our staff includes sports and fitness trainers who work with professional athletes, fitness enthusiasts and people who have never exercised before. We understand training and are here to help you improve. We receive emails everyday from our users who thank us for helping them successfully achieve their goals. With this program you can accomplish your goals too! Workout smart with Fitivity.