Crawling BiTS free (com.iterationgames.crawlingBiTS_FREE) on Google Play

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A light and sound synthesizing noise-machine, providing mutating patterns with various user controls. Create video and audio with this synthesizer of patterns.This is the first version, more to come, including instructions to help you operate the app. Or you can just work it out for yourself as it is a tool for explorations in improvisation.- - -Please test the free version on you device before purchasing the full version. (we can not test all available hardware) Known to work well on a Nexus 7 or similarly powered hardware.- - - As you can see in the video; open the control interface by pressing "back". Then choose a parameter to change that setting. Once selected, you can close the menu, and still alter the selected parameter, by sliding a single finger along the screen bottom. The top of the screen when pressed with a single finger manipulates the sound and the bits crawling, with two fingers the scene can be rotated at various speeds and in two directions, while three fingers resets the rotation.The patterns are situational and self generative (feedback loops), the bit patterns also mutate the sounds.Useful for sampling, both audio and video for other uses, or directly in live performance using HDMI or just the audio output. enjoy.