CM9 CM10 AOKP THEME POPSTYLE B (com.joshuas79.theme.poplifeblue) on Google Play

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*** PLEASE READ CAREFULLY ****** IF YOU GET THIS MESSAGE: "This theme was improperly compiled and cannot be applied. Please report this incident to the theme author" APPLY DEFAULT THEME, RESTART DEVICE AN APPLY THIS THEME. ****** I CAN'T REPLY COMMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT ME BY EMAIL IF ANY ISSUE ***This is the blue version of Popstyle theme. This theme is for Hdpi/Xdpi devices runing CM9/CM10/AOKP. It themes system and many other appsDon't forget to contact me if you find any bug or have a requestI want to thank every one helping me with this:m1keyb (good job, dude)zdunex25giannisgx89MrDSLTUN_SDjasonevildjdarkknight96bhu1... (I'm sure I forget some, sorry)