QuicklyPanel (com.mabware.android.QuicklyPanel) on Google Play

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QuicklyPanel is the space saving toggle widget that toggle Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Silent Mode in one cell.QuicklyPanel includes my 4 toggle widgets in one cell.QuicklyAirplaneMode, QuicklyWifi, QuicklyBluetooth and QuicklySilentMode.Features:-4 toggle functions are in ONE cell. In this update, Battery monitor is added too!-The button like touch feeling! -While Wi-Fi and Bluetooth state are changing, the icons blink. This Wi-Fi widget only enables or disables Wi-Fi. It dose not care to connect the Wi-Fi access point.How to use:-Long tap at a home screen, and select [Widget] from the menu, and select [QuicklyPanel] in the widget list.-Push each button to ON / OFF each function.-The button's icon become green when the function is enabled, become gray when it is disabled. The icon blinks while the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth state is changing.