SAT Vocab Flashcards (com.minibit.flashcards) on Google Play
Tired of memorizing long, tedious word lists or scoring low on the vocabulary sections of tests like the SAT and GRE? We at Minibit have created a flashcards app like no other: one that responds to your mistakes, allowing you to memorize more words, more quickly. With over 500 high-level vocabulary words, Ultra Vocab is the best flashcards app around for SAT and GRE prep. Better yet, it's completely free. The app functions as a virtual replica of real-life flashcards. It also uses sophisticated learning algorithms to ensure very fast memorization rates and long term retention.Instructions: Use this app as you would use real-life cards. 1. You will be presented with a word; try to guess it's meaning, and then tap "flip". 2. Take a look at the definition. If you got it right, tap "correct", else tap "incorrect". 3. That's it! The app will take care of all repetition / practice.Ultra Vocab also has a built in review system. Simply navigate to the "Review Progress" tab to look at the number of words practiced, accuracy rates, and other information. You can also look at a complete word list with over 500 words that frequently appear on the SAT.