StonewayBizPro FMR LinkApp (com.onaclovtech.stonewayfsbizprofmrlinkapp) on Google Play
StonewayBizPro is the technology arm of Stoneway Financial Services. The StonewayBizPro - FRM LinkApp, is a simple way for the Stoneway Financial Field Marketing Representative (FMR) to effectively generate and share their marketing links via android mobile phone or tablet. There are 3 simple ways that the FMR can market the link:Share, Open in Browser, and Copy to ClipboardStoneway Financial Services specializes in providing business and personal financial solutions throughout the Pacific Northwest. Stoneway leverages an extensive network of financial companies to provide our clients with the best financial solutions.The StonewayBizPro marketing tools can help turn part-time FMR networking into a full time income.