Do You Know (com.programmerworld.DoYouKnow) on Google Play
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This Application features hundreds of amusing, fun, interesting, and easy-to-read content. This app will increase your General Knowledge. You will get to know about unknown facts. The application is designed to read interesting facts in an organized way. Some of the Questions might be present in multiple Categories. If you want to buy the source Code contact us on admin@programmerworld.netThis app will also expose factoids, present-day orthodoxy, identify misinformation, clarify the confusing, and present new information. Note: If you choose all Categories you will find some duplicate questions.Features:1. 800+ unknown facts.2. Facts have been categories for ease of use. 3. The Application Covers a wide range of facts. You may not be interested in all of them So please select the Categories in which you are interested.Categories :Application Cover questions from Following 27 broad Categories.1. Alphabet2. Animal3. Average4. Brand5. Can't6. Colour7. Country8. Date9. Distance10. Drink 11. English12. Famous people13. First14. Height15. Human body16. History17. Landmark18. Months19. Most20. Movie21. Place22. Size23. Sound24. Sport25. Temperature26. TV27. WordSAMPLE Facts1) The word 'rhythm' is the longest word without a vowel2) wine is sold in tinted bottles because it spoils when exposed to light