Västtrafik Travelplanner (com.project.reseplanerare) on Google Play
Glenns Travelplanner for Gothemburgs Västtrafik! (Public transportation in western Sweden)- Fast shortcuts on your home screen.- Easy to find the closest stations- Real-time station takeoffs - Travel planning- Auto favorites- Fully available in English or Swedish language.Västtrafik is responsible for the data used within the application. The data comes with no warranty!3rd party libraries used:greenDAO – Android ORM for SQLite (http://greendao-orm.com/)ActionBarSherlock (http://actionbarsherlock.com/)Android-PullToRefresh (https://github.com/chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh)Västtrafiks open API (http://www.vasttrafik.se/)Tags: Travelplanner, English, Reseplanerare, Västtrafik, Västra Götalandsregionen, hållplatser, spårvagn, buss, båt, Nästa tur, Göteborg