Ramhoo Social Network (com.ramhoo.messengersocial) on Google Play

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Live chat, Real time Notification, commentsPhotos, Photo Albums : give your members to upload photos with albumsNews Feed : Display posts from people you are following and who you have as friendsProfile timeline: Display your posts on your personal profileEvents: Movies, location,Musics, Games, Photos. e.t.cShare: Share posts from others to your timeline and friends#Hashtags: Use #hashtags in your posts, comments e.t.c Trending topics: This display what’s hot to your member base on the hottest #hashtagsLikes: Like posts, pagesPages: Create fan page, allow your friends and followers to like itFollow: Follow celebrities, popular people to get there messagesMessage System: Send private messages to your friends and also set privacy for who send you messageCommunity: Create communities, invite your friends to join, you can create both private and public communitiesGames: Let your members play games, add games, likes games, e.t.c@Mention: Mention your friends in a post, or @mention somebody to send a message to the personPost with: When you are with your friend, let your other friends know about that when you are postingLink Preview: when you post links, details like title,description are pull and displayedInvite Friends: Invite friends with there emails, with record, so once they join they will be added to your friends listSee what your friends are doing in a real timeReal time check of new activities from your friends.....Much moreChat System1. send your friends message through the chatbox2. Ability to chat with three friends at a time3. Send images through the chatboxes4. Emoticons share with your friends5. Detect when your friend is typing or notTerms and condition: http://www.ramhoo.com/terms