Financial Calculator Pro (com.realxyapp.financialcalculatorpro) on Google Play

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Financial Calculator Pro is one of the professional financial calculator in Google Play. It covers most of the commonly used financial calculations. Download Financial Calculator Pro NOW!! Financial Calculator Pro will be your best calculator for your work and exams! Financial Calculator Pro includes the following features:Basic Calculator Functions:1. Basic calculation2. Trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh and their inverse functions3. Natural logarithm4. Combination and Permutation5. Generate random numbersFinancial Functions:1. Time Value of Money and Amortization: Yield, Present Value (PV), Future Value (FV)2. Cash Flow: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR)3. Percentage Change4. Breakeven5. Date Difference6. Interest Conversion7. Profit MarginFinancial Calculator Pro is suitable for financial examination participants (CFA, CPA, CFP, FRM, etc), accountant and people who work in bank and finance related industries.