Weather 360 + widgets & clocks (com.sixthsolution.weather360) on Google Play
Weather 360 is the most beautiful, Material design Android weather forecast application and widget which offers weather forecast, analog clock and digital clock widgets, smart battery tracker and weather widget. The material design and smart weather animations guarantee a pleasant and fun user interface and the widget engine which is able to create more than 80 home screen widgets with different layouts and design guarantee the best user experience. And the online theme store is where you should be headed when you feel bored with the current designs.Weather 360 is powered by the 3 best weather forecast providers, Wunderground, and World Weather Online to make sure you have access to the most reliable weather forecast sources and you can easily switch between weather provider sources to get the most exact weather forecasts.Speaking of the cool animated weather conditions as one of the most distinguished graphical features of the Weather 360, we have created funny and eye-catching animations for different type of weather conditions, for both days and nights, and we are sure you’ll be enjoying keeping track of the weather in your current location or any other location all around the world.There are unique animations for each type weather conditions, based on the hour of the day and for instance if it’s pouring rain outside, you’ll feel it inside your Android device.Weather 360 Features at a glance:• Full weather forecast and Detailed weather information: Current temperature, Feels like temperature, weather condition, minimum and maximum temperature, Wind speed, Precipitation and Humidity• Hour-by-hour weather forecast• 10-Day weather forecast• Moon Phase (Coming soon)• Material design• Smart weather forecast animations• Ultimate customization options• Measurement units: Metric (Celsius, Kilometer, meter) or English (Fahrenheit, Mile, Inch)• Change update interval: manual, every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, hour, 2 hours• Weather forecast in the status bar• Detailed weather forecast and info in the notification panel• Show the weather forecast and information based on your current location or any given location• Swipe between locations to get a quick weather forecast preview at a glance• Home screen widgets in different sizes to show the time, battery, and weather forecast• Power widgets to toggle system settings from the home screen• Smart Battery Module, which learns your behavior and show battery remaining hours based on that. It also shows the battery percentage, last time charge, time to fully charge, temperature, voltage, status, and condition• Online theme store to get new digital clocks, analog clocks, and weather icons packsCustomization OptionsWe believe the Weather 360 offers the ultimate customization options which makes you enable to design different home screen widgets, the way you want.Some of the customization options are:• Change the weather icons in the weather pages (Current, hour-by-hour, and 10-day forecast)• Customize the weather widget in the notification panel: Change the layout, weather icons, and colors• Full color pallet, to find the exact color you have in your mind• Exclusive digital and analog clocks designs• Customizable weather icons• Change the home screen widgets’ transparencyHome Screen Widgets• Different widget sizes for phone and tablets: 1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4• Different layouts, so you can view the information you are looking for with no extras. Some of the layouts are: Analog clock, Digital clock, Weather condition, Battery percentage, Dual clock, Analog clock & Weather forecast, Dual weather forecast (For 2 different locations), Detailed weather forecast, Analog clock & Battery status & Weather forecast, Digital clock & Detailed weather forecast, and of course a lot more.• At the moment, we offer more than 80 different layouts and home screen widgets