Falling pen (com.theanykey.fallingpen) on Google Play
Do you want to spice up your sedentary life at the computer? Get an adrenaline rush every time you manage to get points? This is a simple game but it requires enormous patience and quick reflexes. Do you have the patience to be on the leaderboard?NO pay to win. NO Ads. All features included, NO accidental "in-app purchases".How do you play it alone:Turn on the game and place it next to your computer so you can see the screen, choose 30 minutes game. The pen can now fall at any time 0-30 mins so you must be prepared. Do what you usually do on the computer but remember to keep an eye on the game. When the ticking stops and pen falls, throw you over the game and try to press the pen to get a point. If you manage to get points you can wait for the next one.How to play together:Sit at a table and place one or more games in the middle of the table. Everyone can talk to each other while they are waiting for the ticking stops.The game continues even if you turn off your device. Start the app and check if you missed the pen.Thanks and attribution to:Music:www.spinwires.com