Holo Blue for EvolveSMS (com.therealbigjake.evolve.hangouts.holoblue) on Google Play
WhoIs for 'therealbigjake.com'
This is a theme for EvolveSMS that has day and night mode with Holo blue accents..!!You MUST have EvolveSMS and the add on to Evolve that allows for themes to be applied for this to work!!To apply the theme: Go to Evolve settings > Select Add-On Theme >Holo BlueYou can find my other themes here TheRealBigJake's ThemesIf you have a suggestion or a problem with this theme please feel free to email me from the link below ;-)And don't forget to rate and +1 it really helps me out!!For the action bar and links to theme you need the latest EvolveSMS!!