AutoResponder (com.twistsoft.autoresponder) on Google Play
Respond to incoming SMS and Calls automatically when you are unable to answer them (while Driving, In meeting, at a movie, etc... ), by sending preset SMS replies. REPLY MESSAGE Reply to incoming SMS Reply to missed calls or all incoming callsREPLY TO Send Auto-response based on the Identity of the sender of the SMS or the caller. You can select to respond either to - All Numbers or - Numbers in 'Contacts' or - Unknown Numbers onlyLOCATION Include your location in the reply. If selected, the application will try to determine your current location that is, Latitude, Longitude and Street Address using Reverse Geocoding and include it in the reply message.AUTO ON/OFF AutoResponder automatically turns-OFF when the Auto-response duration is over. You don't have to worry to turn it off. Duration Presets: - 5 minutes, - 15 minutes, - 30 minutes, - 1 hour, - 2 hours, - 4 hours, - 8 hours, - Always - if selected, You will have to manually turn-OFF the AutoResponder.SILENT MODE Switch Ringer to Silent Mode while Auto-response is ON. Ringer mode is restored back to the previous state once the Auto-response duration is over.BATTERY EFFICIENT AutoResponder will not drain battery when turned-OFF.MESSAGE TEMPLATES AutoResponder comes with a few built-in Message templates which you can set as your reply message or can create your own Message templates for later use.ACTIVITY LOG AutoResponder maintains a log of all the replies sent along with the following details - 1. Activity Type - SMS, Incoming Call or Missed Call 2. Date and Time 3. Contact - The application retrieves the name of the Contact from the 'Contacts' if the activity is from a number saved in the 'Contacts' 4. Phone Number 5. Message Sent** Replies sent are also saved in the native Android 'Messaging' application. **