Encircled Icon Pack (com.uppackandroid.encircled) on Google Play
Encircled Icon PackMade with simple glyphs and colorful circles, Encircled is everything you need in an icon pack. The simple circles and white glyphs give the icon pack consistency and style. Features•Over 1,100+ icons•Multi-launcher support•Material design dashboard•Minimal, colorful circle designs•Beautiful icon masking (unthemed icons look good)•Alternative colors for system appsLaunchers:•Nova, Apex, ADW, Kitkat Launcher, Atom Launcher, Action Launcher, Aviate, GO, Holo, Insipre, Lucid, Nine, Smart, Solo, TSF, Circle Launcher and more!•Encircled icon pack also works with CM11 and CM12 themes.Questions or comments?I always respond to emails promptly at uppackdev@gmail.comCircle me on Google+ for all the latest info: https://plus.google.com/+MiloschLee/postsCheck out our website, http://uppackandroid.com for theming tutorials, faqs, icon packs, and more!