s-pen recorder for Note 10.1 (com.welldonecom.penrecorder) on Google Play

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**Notice : This application is for Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with S-Pen ***This application allows you to make visual/auditory notes on PDF documents using S-PEN Handwriting and simultaneous voice-recording functions. This means auditory notes are indexed on visual notes, allowing you to take and use the two types of notes at the same time. This application integrates the three functions, document viewing, handwriting with the S-PEN, and voice-recording, offering users to take practical notes.    In other words, during a lecture or a meeting, if you have an imported PDF document on your device, you can take visual and auditory notes on the PDF document itself. To access the auditory notes, all you need to do is simply touch the part where you took the auditory notes and the voice recorded from that specific moment will be replayed. How to use 1. Prepare a PDF document file in the Galaxy 10.1 (PDF Version is to be 1.5 or over)    -most document files are convertible to PDF documents (example: doPDF freeware etc.) 2. Start S-PEN Recorder, click on [NEW Recording]. You will see a [Select PDF file to load] screen. Choose the PDF file you wish to use 3. PDF file will be imported as S-PEN Document background and be shown on the screen 4. You can write on the background and when recording is needed, just click on the recording button. Then S-PEN hand writing and recording is synchronized.5. Saved S-PEN recorder document allows editing such as adding pages, recordings or memos.