Chinese Character Trainer Free (de.sluo.chinesecharactertrainerfree) on Google Play

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Learn Chinese characters anywhere, anytime with this app.In standard mode characters are sorted in which those with the highest relevancy/usage are shown first. In HSK mode you can choose a appropriate level and only those characters in the official lists are included.A cidian feature shows the usage of each character in groups, sometimes even in whole sentences. The progress view tracks your learning curve as you advance character for character.This is the standalone free and ad-supported version. You don't like ads at all or want to show us your support? Have a look at our paid, ad-free version here: features:* About 7500 characters altogether based on CC-CEDICT sorted by relevancy.* Mode for simplified and traditional characters with pinyin.* Cidian lookup for current character.* Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) lists support for levels 1-6.* Features above work completely offline.* Support for Text-To-Speech output.To use the Text-To-Speech feature you MUST have an external TTS engine installed which supports Chinese. Google's current TTS engine seems to have this unofficially built-in, also confirmed working out of the box on some Samsung devices. An internet connection maybe required depending on the engine selected.Have a look at CC-CEDICT for more information on their database: