Candy Racer Full (de.tiltgames.candyracer_full) on Google Play
34 LEVELS AND 2 NEW EXCITING WORLDS! NO ADS★★★★★ REVIEWS ★★★★★:XXX - EDITORS'S PICK FROM APPEGGS.COM 17.09.2012:"It Will Quickly Hypnotize You, Say Goodbye to Your Free Time!"TIPS4TECH 12.09.2012:"I loved the game play""A great time expender when you are not working and want to enjoy"PLAYANDROID 18.09.2012:"good choice for children and everyone who needs something to play in the boring minutes on the way to school or to work""... you won’t be disappointed"TALKANDROID 11.09.2012 (Featured Play Store Review):"this game is part puzzle, and that’s what makes Candy Racer so addicting""you will be pretty busy for a while"ANDROIDTAPP 10.09.2012 (★★★★☆): "Very challenging, mastery of perfect timing to complete and score well!""Good time-waster game!"EURODROID 05.09.2012: Best developer sell of the day!THEDROIDGALAXY 05.09.2012: "one of the app that you must have on your device!"N-DROID.DE 13.09.2012: Fundstück am Markttag No. 78ZOCKER-ANDROID.DE 17.09.2012:"... klare Kaufempfehlung meinerseits, mit diesem Spiel könnt ihr nichts falsch machen."- I will add even more levels soon!- It easy to control, but hard to win :)- The control is similar to Tiny Wings and Fly Dragon Fly.- I really hope you like! If you do you can give me a good rating.- If you have any technical problems please write me a message instead of giving me a bad rating. I will instantly try to fix it.Thanks and enjoy,Matthias