European Weathernetwork (EWN) (eu.europeanweathernetwork_widget) on Google Play
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The European Weathernetwork-app with lightning-notificaction.The app is based on the EWN-website with a few addons. - Shows current conditions for 10 closest weatherstations (private, roadstations, metoffice-stations and synops), totally more that 4500 stations in Europe- Map of current conditions- Blitzortung stormtracker with lightning-notification- EWN Forecast giving as default the forecast for your location, searchable for more than 850000 locations in Europe- Forecast maps- Widget showing the closest weatherstationThe app are still a bit in BETA-phase, please report via EWN website ( contactform for found oddities.Also ideas for possible additions are welcome.Known bugs:- Widget in tablets are not perfect - Due to lack of close thunder-activity are the lightning-notification not well tested yet