Chord/Scale Finder; Sherlock L ( on Google Play
Sherlock is a user-definable, library based (reverse) chord and scale finder. Simply touch some keys of the chord / scale you want to look up, Sherlock will find it for you.> Search by KeyTo search a chord or a scale, click some notes of a chord / scale on the piano input panel. Long-click the key to exclude some chord / scale that have the note. > Search by NameAlso, users can look up a chord / scale by selecting a root note and a type name.> Chord StackChords can be stored on the stack. Users can try changing an octave or an inversion of a chord and can play the chord. Chord stack is useful in testing a chord progression. > User-definable Library19 chord types and 13 scale types are already defined in the library. Moreover, users can edit or add data if needed.(There are 64 pre-defined chord types and 74 pre-defined scale types on the paid version.)> Sound3-octave ranged piano sounds have been recorded with a high quaity audio device.