Gosha Durood (logixcess.com.goshadurood) on Google Play

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For the first time in history, reciting Salat and Salam on the beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.W.A.). A unique way to promote the love for the beloved Prophet and to increase spirituality.65,010,700,683times .Here are the details of durood recited at the central gosha-e-durood-o-fikr and its halaqaat throughout the world or sent by the remote users.Those who recite Durood in maximum number will be nearest and dearest to the Holy Prophet (SallalLaahuAlaihiWasallim) in the next world.***********************************************Duroodshreef is a unique way to love with Holy Prophet (SallalLaahuAlaihiWasallim) and this is only one thing that a person and a Allah-pak both do and Beloved Allah-Pak never rejected the Durood shreef in any condition because it Allah’s sunah as you know Allah-Pak say in Quran-e-pak. Allah showers ten blessings on the man who recites a Durood. And The first man who will meet the Prophet (SallalLaahuAlaihiWasallim) on the Day of Judgement will be that person who had recited the Durood maximum number of times in his life. ***********************************************