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Hunter Craft (metrogame.huntercraft) on Google Play

WhoIs for 'huntercraft.metrogame'

Experience life as Craft in leaden world of Minecraft. Run, jump, and fight for your life join to the online battles on the block island with pixel mobs and hunger players. The game play is hard but so addicting that you can't help but to play until the wee hours of the morning.+ Weapons In Hunter Craft, guns are regular weapon of the player. •Pistol: is the weakest but it will never run out of bullet and if it is upgraded to its full power (max level), it shouldn’t be neglected; •Spread Shot: fires 1 bullets at a time; •Rifle: can fire continuously at its medium power;+ ControlsThe control button of Hunter Craft is quite simple. The player taps to the left to run, tap to the right to shoot. It will be much more effective if the player taps the target precisely. Choose your favorite skin and play with friends