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Aboki Messenger (org.aboki.messenger) on Google Play
Aboki Messenger is an UN-OFFICIAL Messaging app developed using Telegram's API.Aboki Messenger is the best user-friendly app that comes in Languages and these Improvements include Nigerian locales, such as : Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba.Aboki Messenger lets you text your friends for free on a phone or tablet. Clearly, it has innovative new features including private mode which lets you have a private conversation.You can share your Location, Contacts, Pictures, Videos and large Files as much as you want without any glitch using Aboki Messengerâ„¢ (Multimedia Messaging).COMMUNITY : Join our community to report bugs, share ideas, get in touch with others. Google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/104884835897621951647Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aboki-Messenger/114881268844929?ref=bookmarksISSUES: Please If you are having problem Downloading or during Installation kindly follow the link below to download and get it working on your device. DOWNLOAD LINK: http://apps.opera.com/en_ng/aboki_messenger.htmlPlease do not hesitate to contact us, plus you can also post your Feedback right here.