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LiveWallpaper Generations Pro (simon.LiveWallpaper.GenerationsDonate) on Google Play

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##The Pro version is without ads##Generations is a cellular automaton close to The Game of Life.It's sort of a virtual world where many cells are living.They reproduce and die under certain conditions.The difference with The Game Of Life is that cells can grow old.The three basic rules are : - 1 cell comes to life if it has 2 neighboring active cells - 1 active cell grow old and becomes inactive - 1 old cell diesThis game does not need the player itself (kind of zero-player game), but we can make it more interactive by modifing the birth and survival rules and it's lifetime.The main features of my LiveWallpaper are: ¤ Changing the speed ¤ Changing the size of the world ¤ The world is shaped like a torus or a square ¤ Changing the color gradient: ¤ Changing the shape of cells ¤ Changing the rules (44 predefined): ¤ Create life or destroy it, simply by touching the screen!