Eight Ball Pool Live Wallpaper (uk.co.candycode.EightBallPoolLWP) on Google Play
Turn your device into a 3D 8 ball pool table where the balls tap against each other and spin off using realistic physics. Tap any ball and watch it smack against other balls.Made to work on phones, 7 and 10 inch version of tablets in landscape and portrait mode.We want you to enjoy this app so please let us know if you have any problems and we will do our best to help.HOW TO USE:Once installed, go to your live wallpaper menu (usually a long press in an empty space on the home screen) choose "Set Wallpaper", pick the area in which you want to it run, then click "Live Wallpapers" and choose "Eight Ball Pool Live Wallpaper". You can change the settings or just click "Set Wallpaper".If you have any suggestions for future features or enhancements, please let us know.Note: Remember all Live Wallpapers use your device's resources alongside other apps and lower specification devices may encounter performance reductions or freezing. Always ensure your device is capable of running this Live Wallpaper before installing and running.